Design and realization of the interactive multimedia virtual-reality general instruction system 交互式多媒体虚拟现实通用教学系统的设计与实现
Introduces the characteristics and realization ways of interactive multimedia virtual-reality general instruction system which is a scientific research project supported by Ministry of Education of Liaoning Province. 介绍了省教育厅科研项目交互式多媒体虚拟现实通用教学系统的特点和实现方法;
K8 Jet Trainer Interactive Multimedia Instruction System K8教练机交互式多媒体教学系统
Thirdly based of the theoretical researches and analysis of surveys, the design model for interactive instruction strategy is put forward, including principles in macro-level and interactive strategy system in micro-level. 最后,在理论研究和调查分析的基础上构建本论文基于网络平台教学互动策略设计模型,包括宏观层面教学互动策略设计指导原则、微观层面教学互动策略体系。